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Server information about tngnet.ircnet.io

MOTD of tngnet.ircnet.io

tngnet.ircnet.io Message of the Day - 
22/10/2024 1:02
This open IRCnet server is provided by:

   Open to all users on IPv4/IPv6 ports 6665-6669,7000
        SSL/TLS available on ports 6679 and 6697
] We scan for open proxies on connect. If you do not wish
  to be scanned, please do not connect to this server.

] IRCnet provides no nick/channel registration services.

] This server provides SSL/TLS encryption for some of its
  clients. However end parties you communicate with may
  or may not also have SSL/TLS enabled. The entire route
  is unlikely to be encrypted the entire path!

] This server provides EXPERIMENTAL local +z channel flag
  (&channels only) allowing only SSL/TLS enabled clients
  to join.

] This server provides EXPERIMENTAL ip cloaks for users.
  Read more and sign up at https://www.cloak.ircnet.io

] To avoid opless channels, you are encouraged to use the
  channel reop mode +R (otherwise unfixable).

] Usage of /list for listing all channels is deprecated.
  Please use "/squery alis help" instead. You can also
  use http://www.ircnet.info to list and search channels.

] Rules:
  * We reserve the right to deny service to anyone at any
    time and for any reason.
  * Mass advertising/link spam is not allowed.
  * Clients connected for the purpose of stealing nicks
    are not allowed.
  * General limits (request changes via /admin):
      3 clients per host   (without ident)
      3 clients per person (with ident)
     20 clients per /24    (IPv4)
     10 clients per /48    (IPv6)
  * If your IP range offers services to other people
    (e.g., shell providers) you must let us know.
  * Limits and rules for shell providers:
    * 3 clients per person
    * identd is required and no ident spoofing, no
      changing an ident after a ban, and no giving a
      person multiple usernames
  * Breaking these rules will result in a ban from ALL
    open servers.

] Links:
  * Server and channel lists: http://www.ircnet.info
  * Random open server (dns round-robins):
    - open.ircnet.io       All open servers
    - ssl.ircnet.io        With SSL/TLS support
    - irc.cloak.ircnet.io  With cloak support
    - ssl.cloak.ircnet.io  With cloak and SSL/TLS support
  * Webchat available at:
    - https://webchat.ircnet.net  qwebirc
    - https://ircnet.chat/        The Lounge

] If you require any further information, join #ircnet

             IRC is a privilege, not a right!        
       Respect others and enjoy your stay on IRCnet.
      This server is sponsored and hosted by TNGNET.

ADMIN-istrative information from tngnet.ircnet.io

Administrative info about tngnet.ircnet.io
European Open Server, Provided by TNGNET.com
Client Server

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rlinks.pl Version 2.11.0 - traces all Servers in a given IRC-Network

Copyright 1997-2005 Mario 'BitKoenig' Holbe.
email: Mario.Holbe@TU-Ilmenau.DE
www  : http://www.tu-ilmenau.de/~holbe/